Hamilton Magic Central - Tournaments
WURGS Events

(Waikato University
Role-playing and
Gaming Society)

These tournaments are sponsored by
Mark One
Comics and Games

and by

The Waikato Student Union

We are running three type 1.5 tournaments,

all on Thursdays,
from 5.30pm till 10.30pm
at Oranga
(above the old McDonalds at university)


Deck registration starts at 5.30pm,
playing will (hopefully) start at about 6pm
but players can register and join as late as 7pm.

Entry will be $5 for each tournament.

Prizes: MTG boosters for top ten of each tournament (and probably a couple of wooden spoon prizes as well :)

Some basic rules:
- All tournaments will use the type 1.5 banned and restricted list.
(See here for details)
- Decks must contain at least 60 cards.
- No sideboard needed. (If you are planning to use any of the 'wish' spells, then you must bring a 15 card sideboard)
- Snow-covered lands count as basic land.
- If a card is listed with two different rarities in different sets, use the lowest rarity of the two.

First Tournament:
Thursday 18th of March

5.30pm till 10.30pm

Format: 3 colour type 1.5

Legal sets: All sets and promotional cards released by Wizards of the Coast (Except for Unglued) Additional rules: - A maximum of up to 15 NON-common cards per deck.
- Decks must contain at least different 3 colours.
  (Valid colours are: White, Black, Blue, Red, Green ;^)
- Artifacts are colourless and don't count towards a decks colour-total.
- Gold, dual colour & 'split' cards will only count towards 1 of the colours in their casting cost.
  (So for example a card with both black and blue in its casting-cost counts as either a blue or a black spell, but not both.)

Second Tournament:
Thursday 25th of March


5.30pm till 10.30pm

Format: Highlander type 1.5

Legal sets: All sets and promotional cards released by Wizards of the Coast (Except for Unglued)
Additional rule: - A maximum of up to 15 NON-common cards per deck.
- A highlander deck can only have one of any card, other than basic land, in it. (i.e. All cards other than basic land are restricted)

Third Tournament:
Thursday 1st of April


5.30pm till 10.30pm

Format: Plain vanilla type 1.5

Legal sets: All sets and promotional cards released by Wizards of the Coast (Including Unglued! - It's April 1st right :)

Marcel van de Steeg

WURGS CCG executive



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